Friday, February 27, 2009

A lost friend

A few weeks ago, one of my friend was hit by a car walking on the side of the road. It was Feburary 6,2009. I didn't want to write about it at the time cause I was way to sad. I didn't know him very well but we went to my school so he was like part of our school family. What what I will miss the most is his random high fives in the hallway. I didn't know his name but he would just say, "High five!" and I would give him a high five then we would both be on our way. Then just as I was getting to know him...BAM!! He dies. I talked to my counsler about it and she said that God needed him and there was something inportant that he had to for God. Please, be safe and God bless.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My new totaly awsome bf!!

Saturday was my b-day so my new bf came and we went ice-skating. I asked him out and he said yes but a second or two after he said yes, the power went out at the ice rink! He said he was going to kiss me but then he decided not to. When we got to my house, we sat in the back of my dads truck bed and sat curled up together. The party was over at 5 but his parents came at 6 which was good cause we got to be love birds for an hour! It rocked!

Let me tell you bout what happened today. In between 3 and 4 period, (at school) he broke up with me for not giving him hugs. Wtf?! At lunch I had a friend tell him at lunch that I was ALWAYS meaning to give him hugs but a teacher was like ALWAYS there! It was so annoying!! Then he asked me back out and I had to say yes! He scared me in the lunch line cause he came up behind me, put his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder and I put my cheek against his and my arms on his and we just stood there. Then this annoying kid named Robert asked if he was "going out with that hor?" I was so freakin pissed!! So was my bf! He punched him pretty hard in his stomach. (My bf has a freaking 6 pack!) He also likes to protect me from people. I don't really know why. His name is Winston, he has blonde hair. We have 5th period together. He also has FABULOUS light blue eyes! They are sooooooo dreamy! He also asked me if I could go to the movies with him soon. I forgot when he said we could but I still have to ask my mom and dad. I'll put some pictures of us on Blogger soon. Blog on peeps!!